Dear clients and families, and associated Health Care Providers:
As you are already aware, COVID-19 has been declared a global pandemic, and as such, requires special care and critical attention to keep everyone safe and to minimize the spread of this coronavirus. We are dedicated to keeping our client families and our staff safe and healthy throughout this health crisis.
Ortho Dynamics has been adjusting daily to the changing needs of this health crisis and is adhering to the requirements set out by the BC Centre for Disease and BC Ministry of Health as well as the Federal Ministry of Health in providing only the most essential of services, practicing physical distancing, increased cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, screening visitors and limiting the number of people at our facility at one time. We monitor the provincial and federal Ministry of Health requirements daily for any further changes that are required of us.
Essential Services: We are offering essential services at this time in order to provide treatment for post-operative patients coming out of their casts, clubfoot patients requiring adjustments to their treatments, essential repairs, maintenance and adjustments and other services to allow continued mobility and continuation of treatment for our client families. Only clients who have confirmed appointments will be seen at their appointment time. Anyone who does not have an appointment will be encouraged to call us and book an appointment.
Adopted Procedures to Maintain a Safe and Secure Environment including Physical Distancing:
- Double screening of our client families prior to their appointment including a verbal Screening Questionnaire by telephone when confirming the appointment, as well as a further Screening Questionnaire performed verbally upon arrival at our facility prior to being admitted.
- Everyone entering our facility is required to immediately wash or disinfect their hands, prior to touching any surfaces. This applies to both staff and visitors.
- Client families are then immediately provided their own treatment room after arrival, and are requested to remain in their room except for using the washroom. Client families may step out of the office for a break if needed, however, they will need to rewash their hands or disinfect on return.
- There is a dedicated washroom for client families, which is thoroughly disinfected as often as possible.
- Each treatment room is thoroughly disinfected after each client appointment.
- All common areas including the front office counter, parallel bars, and gait system area are disinfected after each use.
- We are no longer able to provide toys, books or magazines, and we encourage clients to bring their own snacks and entertainment with access to our free wi-fi.
- We have reduced the number of people at our facility to support physical distancing in two ways: (1) we limit the number of clients to the number of available treatment rooms; and (2) we limit the number of staff at our facility at one time to practice safe physical distancing in our work area.
- Our clinicians and front office staff will be wearing personal protective equipment, and practicing safe and appropriate donning and doffing of gloves and masks, including washing hands prior to donning and after doffing.
- Throughout the day, increased cleaning and disinfecting will occur, including the front and back entrances and door bell.
- At the end of each day, both the front and the back areas of the facility will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Please support our safety measures by:
- Answering the verbal Screening Questionnaire thoughtfully and accurately.
- Limiting the number of people you bring with you to your appointment to one or two as required.
- Washing your hands after each instance of being admitted to our facility and prior to touching any surfaces.
- Remain in your treatment room except when accessing the bathroom or taking a break outside the office.
- Cancel your appointment if you are in a high risk category and your appointment is not essential.
- Cancel your appointment if you or someone in your family is not feeling well, or if you have been in contact with someone who is not well, or has recently travelled. If you are in doubt, administer the self assessment tool provided by the BC CDC.
- Practice social/physical distancing at all times during this pandemic to limit your exposure.
Please contact us by telephone (604-454-1177) or email ( if you have any questions or concerns, and we would be pleased to respond as soon as it is possible under the present conditions.
We would like to whole heartedly thank our clients and staff for also practicing the above safety measures in their own personal lives, and for our staff in accepting the inconvenience of modified work hours to allow the needed physical distancing we all benefit from, and which makes it possible to continue providing essential services to our client families.
With our best wishes for your continued good health,
The Ortho Dynamics Team
B.C. Ministry of Health
Self-assessment tool
Vancouver Coastal Health
Health Canada
B.C. Centre for Disease